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NEWS May 2016


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Posted On: May 04, 2016

Hello there World!

I wanted to let you in on some of the products that we have and give you some information on how to use them and also the colors that they come in. We are an authorized distributor for them, and would like to help you get whatever you need.

SO-Strong® liquid urethane colorants can be added to any Smooth-On liquid urethane rubber, urethane plastic or urethand foam (don not use with Smooth-On silicones). They can be used to create a variety of color effects for a wide range of material applications. For glowing fluorescent color effects, use Ignite® colorants

SO-Strong® colorants are highly concentrated, offer excellent dispersion and consistent color. A very small amount will color a proportionally large amount of liquid urethane material. One drop will color 1 pint (454 grams) of mixed urethane!

So you say you want MORE color, or you may want a deeperricher look to your project,the more you add in proportion to the volume of liquid urethane, the more dramatic the color effect. Recommended loading range is .01% to 3% of total system weight. Do not overload the liquid urethane system or cure inhibition or oozing may occur.

User determines amount to add; If this is your first time adding color to a urethane system, you may want to test the color effect by adding a few drops to a small amount of urethane material and observe the outcome. It may take a few test castings to attain the desired color outcome.

Color Tints: Black, YellowBrownPurpleGreen, OrangeRed & Blue.

Color Pigments: White and Fleshtone


Deer Mold Process with XP643

Posted On: May 04, 2016

Photos courtesy of : Fabrice Covelli

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I would like to Intoduce you to one of our very many talented artists, Fabrice Covelli. He has graciously allowed us to use his photos to show you the prcess of how he uses some of the materials that we sell. Please feel free to visit his site :

Here is the product information as supplied to us from Silicone Inc, Description XP-643 silicone rubber is a two-component, addition reaction, platinum catalyzed system that cures at room temperature. It has a moderate durometer, high elongation, superb physical properties, excellent release and good chemical resistance.

Mixing Instructions

Mix 10 parts by weight of XP-643 base with 1 part by weight of XP-643 activator in a container that will

hold approximately 3 to 4 times the volume being used. Stir thoroughly either by hand or by

mechanical mixing. Immediately after mixing, place the material in a vacuum chamber capable of 28 to

29 inches of mercury vacuum. The material will expand to double or triple its original volume and

then collapse. Maintain vacuum for an additional 2 to 3 minutes and remove. Carefully pour the

catalyzed silicone rubber over the released pattern (MR-15 is recommended.)

Cure Sensitivity

XP-643 may have its cure inhibited at the interface between the mold and the master. Models that have

come in contact with tin catalyzed rubbers (the GI-Series) may show cure inhibition at the face of the

mold. This can usually be prevented by thoroughly cleaning the model with naphtha or methylene

chloride, releasing and checking the area by brushing on a small amount of catalyzed XP-643 rubber.

After 24 hours this film must be cured and non-sticky. In the event that the contamination still exists,

the model should be cleaned again and a thin film of acrylic or nitrocellulose lacquer or base coat

should be applied. This should serve as a barrier coat and allow a completely cured mold to be

prepared. Other substrates such as clay containing sulfur or any other sulfur, amine, or tin

contaminated materials will cause surface inhibition and in all cases a test should be run as outlined

above to determine compatibility.

Typical Properties

Color of Base Off White Tear strength, ppi 140 ± 10

Color of Activator Blue Tensile strength, psi 725 ± 50

Viscosity, mixed, cps 25,000 Elongation, % 700 ± 25

Specific gravity 1.13 Shrinkage, % Nil

Working time, hours 1 Shelf Life (months) 6

Shore A hardness 40 ± 4 


Beam Exploration Area

Posted On: May 04, 2016

I would like to introduce you to another one of our very talented artists, Karen Atta (click here to go to her site). She has given us the opportunity to feature her right here, ON OUR BLOG!!!

Atta Studios, founded in 1985, is a Manhattan based custom design & fabrications Studio specializing in unique three-dimensional products and surfaces.

Atta's attention to detail has brought thousands of hand-crafted products of the highest quality to customers around the globe.

Atta has been featured in the New York Times, Interior Design Magazine & Metropolis Magazine as well as being profiled on HGTV.

Each functional object or architectural element is made-to-order, a practice that affords clients an endless array of custom designed possibilities.

The area of this section of the High Line is called the BEA (Beam Exploration Area) and was created as a childrens' play area. We used Silicones Inc XP-592(call us to get pricing for this material) to to create rubber beam coverings of the High Line's already existing beam grid structure.

Please check out the video that was featured on abc news by clicking here.

Please follow us on FB, Twitter and Instagram

Follow us on Twitter @settecharc

Instagram: siliconeandepoxytech


Free Form® Habitat® Fire Safe

Posted On: May 04, 2016

Epoxy putty is a high density epoxy sculpting putty that is flame rated (E84, Class A). Habitat® Fire Safe is solvent-free and contains no VOCs. Working time is 90 minutes and cure time is 16 hours at room temperature (73°F/23°C). Epoxy cures to a very hard, flame and heat resistant material that is easily painted. Fire Safe does not contain any carcinogens (cancer causing agents).

Free Form® Habitat® Fire Safe is suitable for interior and exterior theming applications and general sculpting. It is also certified 'aquarium safe' and is used by aquariums and zoos to make hyper-realistic trees, vines, rocks, coral and other display elements.

Use with Habitat® Folding Powder  fold powder into epoxy putty to thicken and reduce sag when applied to a vertical surface. Folding Powder also reduces stickiness and makes the epoxy more handle-able.

Once putty is applied, it can be stamped with a silicone rubber stamp to create repeating patterns with intricate detail over a large surface area. Surface can be smoothed with alcohol or water. New Habitat® Fire Safe will bond to cured Habitat® Fire Safe without delamination. Habitat® Fire Safe will not melt foam, and can be used as an EPS foam coating.

Free Form® Habitat® Fire Safe is also an excellent repair cement and bonds permanently to itself,

>"Click here to see a video<


Free Form® Habitat Black and Folding Powder

Posted On: May 04, 2016

Free Form® Habitat® Black Epoxy Putty is a mix-by-hand putty that is used to create textured or highly detailed display pieces. Habitat® Black is solvent-free and contains no VOC's.

Working time is 60 minutes and cure time is 16 hours at room temperature at 73°F / 23°C. Epoxy cures to a very hard, heat resistant material that is easily painted.

Use with Habitat® Folding Powder – fold powder into epoxy putty to thicken and reduce sag when applied to a vertical surface. Folding Powder also reduces stickiness and makes the epoxy more handle-able.

Once putty is applied, it can be stamped with a silicone rubber stamp to create repeating patterns with intricate detail over a large surface area. Surface can be smoothed with alcohol or water. New Habitat® Black will bond to cured Habitat® Black without delamination. Habitat® Black will not melt foam, and can be used as an EPS foam coating.

Habitat® Black is suitable for interior and exterior use. It is certified "aquarium safe" and used by aquariums to create hyperrealistic coral and other aquarium displays. Habitat® Black is also used for general sculpting and theming applications.

Free Form® Habitat® Black is also an excellent repair cement and bonds permanently to itself, PVC, acrylic sheeting, wood, many metals, plastics and foams.



UVO® UV-Resistant Colorants

Posted On: May 04, 2016

UVO® Colorants are concentrated, phthalate-free urethane color pigments that resist ultra-violet light. By adding a small amount of UVO® to a Smooth-On epoxy, urethane rubber, plastic or foam product, these pigment dispersions will yield opaque castings (vs. SO-Strong color tints that can yield translucent urethane castings). For glowing fluorescent color effects, use Ignite® colorants.

UVO® colorants are highly concentrated, offer excellent dispersion and consistent color. A very small amount will color a proportionally large amount of liquid epoxy or urethane. One drop will color 1 pint (454 grams) of mixed material. The more you add in proportion to the volume of liquid material, the more dramatic the color effect. Recommended loading range is .01% to 3% of total system weight. Do not overload the liquid system or cure inhibition / oozing may occur.

User determines amount to add; If this is your first time adding color to an epoxy or urethane system, you may want to test the color effect by adding a few drops to a small amount of material and observe the outcome. It may take a few test castings to attain the desired color outcome. Important: Results may vary depending on UV resistance of epoxy or urethane product.


Ease Realese 300 Series

Posted On: May 04, 2016

Ease Release 300  is a high performance, production proven release agent formulated for polyurethane elastomers and epoxy resins along with excellent release of polyurethane elastomers and microcellular foams. Ease Release 300 leaves very little build-up on the molds resulting from isocyanate or epoxy reactions, while maintaining part cleanability with common degreasing solvents. Cleaned parts molded with Ease release 300 can be painted or bonded. Ease Release 300 is effective on all mold surfaces such as steel, aluminum, chrome, epoxy, and RTV urethane and silicone mold materials.


Ease Release 300 is easy to apply, fast drying and effective over a broad temperature range from 70°F to 500°F.

Ease Release 300 provides excellent release with a glossy finish. Precise duplication of mold details, less mold maintenance and down time which results in greater productivity.


  1. Thoroughly clean your mold with Mold Cleaner 2508 or any suitable cleaner to remove all traces of previous coating and oils.
  2. Apply Ease Release 300 using aerosol spray for bulk grades. Hold the can or spray gun 6 to 8 inches from the& mold surface to ensure a light even coating. When the& molds are new or have been blasted with an abrasive “season” the mold by applying a heavy coating of release. Heat the mold to process temperature, then wipe the excess with a rag and reapply a light coating of Ease Release 300 before regular molding.
  3. Ease Release 300 is fast drying and requires no baking during the normal molding process.
  4. Reapply a light coating before each molding.


Thorough cleaning of molded parts is required prior to staining, painting or bonding. For suggested cleaning procedures, consult your Mann technical representative.

Ease ReleaseWeight
Solvent CarrierDrying RateFlammableWetting Quality
Bulk Products

Ease Release 305

(We do not stock


6.0# Petroleum Hydrocarbons Fast Yes Excellent
Ease Release 306 5.7# Hexane Fast Yes Excellent
Ease Release 307 6.4# Petroleum Hydrocarbons Very Slow Combust. Good
Ease Release 315 10.2# Dichloromonofluoroethane Very Fast No Excellent


Ease Release 300, along with the entire line of release agents and mold cleaners, are available through our network of quality distributors located throughout the world.


Ease Release 300 is packaged in 14 0Z. aerosol cans as well as 1 and 5 gallon containers and 55 gallon drums. For bulk formulations, please refer to the various bulk Ease Release 300 families of releases shown in the above table.


  • Use Adequate protection when handling any release solvent system.
  • Skin contact may cause dryness.
  • Wear safety glasses or their equivalent to prevent eye injury.
  • Avoid inhalation of excessive amount of solvent vapor.

Good Morning from S.E.T

Posted On: May 04, 2016

We wanted to let you know that we will be adding a few new products into our already awesome product line! We will be venturing into the UV world, as well as into a world of Hot Glue Guns as well as the glue sticks. We are trying to become a well rounded company who can service from your mom and pop stores to the biggest business we can get our hands on. We strive to have the best customer service that we can have.

We are s family owned and operated business for the past 15 years, and we plan to keep it that way, we plan to keep our customers happy and service all of there needs!

I would like to share with you one of our companies that we distribute for, Cyberbond, Your source for Industrial Adhesives. I will be sharing there newsletter with you on a monthly basis. We are all trying to come up with bigger and better ways to grow, and this is one of them.

The main intention of “Cyberbond News” is to streamline relevant information to our customer base in an easy to understand format. We would like to demonstrate how our adhesives technologies work in various applications and markets. We hope you find our newsletter insightful and supportive.

Below you will find a link to our first newsletter. To navigate through the newsletter, click the arrows at the bottom of the screen.  I would like to thank  Jake Chaney for getting this to us so that we can get this to you.